Our lives are powered by digital connectivity to an unthinking extent. But millions of Brits are digitally excluded. Vodafone’s everyone.connected campaign aims to donate free connectivity to bridge the digital divide. How could we raise mass awareness of the issue while growing brand love for Vodafone?
We created an emotive, visual cue that celebrated Vodafone’s everyone.connected campaign in a way which built widespread awareness and engagement. We worked with world-renowned photographer Rankin to create the Vodafone ‘Faces of Disconnection’ exhibition, showcasing the real stories behind digital exclusion. Each image illustrated the different social issues which Vodafone’s campaign combats. The exhibition was launched at a pop-up event in London and released online and via one to one media briefings along with research which highlighted the extent of the UK’s hidden connectivity issue.
61 pieces of coverage including three nationals
250,000 page views on Vodafone.
300,000 views of the campaign video on Twitter and a CTR of 29.7% with minimal spend.
Over 2 million image views on Pexels and 2,000 downloads
83 event attendees including 8 media attendees, 11 charity spokespeople, and 9 celebrity talent
84% of coverage included our research and 82% the quote from Ahmed Essam
Total circulation for all coverage secured was 411,977,547