Head Scratcher
As part of its partnership with food charity FareShare, belVita was turning smiles into up to 100,000 meals for those in need, as part of its ‘Positive Energy Starts Here’ platform.
Our mission? Bring the campaign to life across earned channels to maximise reach, drive donations and spotlight the issue of food insecurity all through the power of positivity.
The Idea
We proved the power positivity has and identified a positivity loop - the more we give to others, the more positive we feel and the more positive we feel, the more we give back.
But how do we bring this to life? In comes our ‘Smile Society’. Spearheaded by DJ, chef and all-round positivity advocate Big Zuu, we hit the streets to spread smiles, capturing highly positive hero video content explaining the true power of positivity.
Influencer content flooded consumers' feeds, alongside coverage driving consumers to the ‘Give A Smile’ microsite, where Brits across the nation could donate their smiles to the cause, helping those experiencing food insecurity.
The Results
102 pieces across national, regional and consumer titles
83% of coverage in top tier publications
96% of coverage included a link to the belVita ‘Give a Smile’ microsite
98% included branded campaign assets